Monday, December 15, 2008

4 weeks old!

Wow! Time flies! Aiden has his one month pediatrician visit on Wednesday, I'll have stats then.

Aiden really seems to be "waking up" these last couple of days. He watches our faces, and tries to get our attention. Sometimes he just lays around flinging his arms around and chillin'. He loves to look at the light/ceiling fan and it's hard to distract him from it, he's just mesmerized. He even gets excited and opens his mouth real wide as if he's saying "OH YEAH!" He's been practicing his smiles, but he's not doing it socially just yet, we're waiting patiently. He's discovering his voice, so he grunts, coos, and gurgles at us a lot more now. I grunt coo, and gurgle back at him so he knows he's doing it right! Just in the last two days I'm noticing a difference in his day time patterns. He's awake more, alert and happy during the day and takes shorter little naps in between now. The down side is that today he started his "awakeness" at 4:30 in the morning...I just laid him next to me and went back to sleep, he was happy! LOL!

He's still nursing really well (whoot, 4 weeks!) but he's super passionate about "MOMMY I'M FULL" at night when he's a bit crabby. He sqwaks at me and flails around...but won't let go. I don't think he knows how! HAHAHA! AT first I thought he was having gas problems, but I don't think so now, he's just insistent and confused when he's sleepy at the end of the day. He just loves to be rocked to sleep. USUALLY around 9 or 10 at night is when he wants me to rock him to sleep "for the night." We were out the other night at his "bed time" and he didn't know what to do with himself. He was very upset and I had to pull over and rock him to sleep so I could keep driving home. I thought he was hungry, but no, just needing his night night snuggles!

I'm getting a deep satisfaction out of how he obviously knows the difference between me and other people now. When he wants me...he wants me. That's just it, no bones about it! Most of the time he'll snuggle and sleep on/with anyone, but sometimes he just wants mommy snuggles. Makes me feel special.

He's starting to outgrow his newborn clothes, not all of them, but some of them. Unfortunately, most of the 0-3 month clothes are still way too big on him. We're in a weird size bracket right now. I still can't believe how fast he's growing! He's got these awesome chunky thighs (that coincidentally are still not chunky enough for a good fit in his fuzzybunz diapers just yet) and a cute round belly. I love to kiss on it and give him raspberries...he seems to like this game too!

Two nights ago, I swear I think he slept a solid 5's hard to remember, I don't keep track of times for anything with him. I was so impressed! That's a bit unusual for a young breastfed baby, but I guess he had a good full belly!

One of our humidifiers died. We're totally mad about it. This house is so dry. My poor throat and nose can't deal. I have to put saline drops in Aiden's nose once a day to keep him moist so his nose doesn't get all stuffy from the dry air. He hates it, totally breaks my heart when he gets mad! Poor little man!

I'll at least post on Wednesday with his stats. I feel a little sentimental, so I might post a bit later today or tomorrow to about my experience so far as a mom. :-)

1 comment:

Lady said...

Wow. Four weeks? Already? Time flies, indeed. Lil Cookie-Face is growing up so fast! It's exciting to see him become "himself" and all, but... don't you kinda want him to stay itty bitty for just a little bit longer? Tell him to knock it off already! ;)