Monday, August 18, 2008

Shame On Me!

Well, I guess the Turk isn't going to post about his trip. I'll work on him some more, but I can no longer make any promises. That and I am a slacker myself recently! Truth is there isn't much to blog about just now. Baris and I are very excited about our trip to Virginia, though! We have a 6am flight out of here on Thursday.

We did finally decide to buy a new digital camera though. Our old one was not in such great shape and well out of warranty. This new one is really great and is slim enough to carry it in the purse or diaper bag later on. 9.1 Megapixels, that's more than double what our old one was and we paid more than $100 less for it. Anyway, that means that the belly shots will be in better quality now.

The belly is starting to take over. This Wednesday officially puts me into my 3rd trimester, 28 weeks. Time really flew by. I thought this would be the longest 9 months of my life, and it felt like forever in the beginning, but now things are almost wrapped up, this pregnancy is actually almost over, and before we know it, Aidan will be here.

The other exciting news (well, exciting to me) is that thanks to my friend Julia, I stumbled across a GREAT sale on Fuzzibunz cloth diapers. They were down from $19.95 each to just $14.95 each. So we bought 15 and they should be here when we get back from Virginia. It's super tempting to go and order some more, but I do want to have a mish mash of the Fuzzibunz and the BumGenius. So I might get just a couple more fuzzibunz before the baby comes (Baris saw two patterns he liked with zoo critters and trains), and I still need to order my BumGenius 12 pack. Then I will be really set with diapers. Now all I need is a baby butt to put them on! Haha!

I'll have more interesting stuff to post about after we get back from Virginia. We have lots of plans while we're there aside from just the shower, we're really looking forward to a great trip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Have a great trip. Baby showers are so much fun. I have a friend who makes custom cloth diapers from hemp and flannel, custom quilts and clothes well, just about everything. Can't wait to see some updated pics of the belly.