Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Gotta love NORMAL pregnancy and birth

I wanted to share with you all a link to Amy's blog. She had a darling little girl on August 12th. She was over 42 weeks pregnant when Caroline finally came into this world. She had to be evicted through some natural techniques, but there she was, big, healthy, and beautiful. Amy was cared for by midwives throughout her pregnancy and gave birth to her perfect little girl AT HOME, yes, ON PURPOSE! If you browse her page you'll see that she was in a car accident a week prior and signed out of the hospital after an u/s showed that she and baby were safe, healthy, and perfect. She signed out AMA, later received a call that the u/s showed her baby was "15% too big!" For what? We don't know, cuz she came out 100% perfect. Education about your body, your rights, and your options can truly empower you. Amy is my hero, a true testiment to what trusting your body really means. For generations women's bodies have been giving birth. I think our uteruses know something we don't! :-)

1 comment:

Amy Mae said...

Awww thanks! I needed to read something like ths today :)