Thursday, September 18, 2008

32 weeks!

Well, today was my 32 week appointment, everything looks great! Aiden is even head down now, his heart sounds strong, and he still doesn't like being poked, so he kicked the doppler today. HAHA! That's my boy! He should weigh about 3.75 pounds now, and is about 17 inches long. Most of his energy goes towards packing on baby fat now and we wait...wait...wait until he comes. :-) Here's a 32 week belly shot to share:

It's still a belly!

Baris has been feverishly studying for his GMAT over the last couple of weeks. The test is on Monday, send all your good luck vibes and prayers his way. I'm taking him out apple picking on Sunday so he has a resting day before the test...Apple pie anyone?! :-)


Knapp Family said...

Beautiful belly, Meg.

Good luck, Baris from the UP.


Unknown said...

you look great!!!!!!!

Stacia said...

You look beautiful!
Enjoy the pregnancy. Not long to go now!
I'll have a piece of two of that apple pie you are baking. :-)