Friday, September 26, 2008

Behold...the pregnant woman that everyone hates

I just wanted to announce that at 33+ weeks pregnant, I still do not have cankles. It can be done! Here is photographic proof of this claim, to settle a bet in my doula forum, and for proof to all you non-believers.

What this image DOES show (you know, since it clearly does not show cankles) is that I desperately need a pedicure. I only have one slightly puffy ankle, and this has been the case since my surgery in August 2007...there's a lot of fluid on my knee and it tends to pool in my ankles sometimes.

So there, be a believer. I am the pregnant woman who is NOT miserable with any of the following:

Peeing every 10 seconds
consistent backache
chronic nightmarish fatigue
morning sickness
Inability to wear wedding ring
and most other stereotypical things that make you want to ask me "how are you feeling?" Go ahead, ask me if I have the stereotypical affliction that you think I probably have...go ahead.

I feel fine, and I don't have cankles. So THERE!


Unknown said...
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Amy Mae said...

You know you just jinxed yourself, right?