Monday, September 1, 2008

Too pooped...

to poop. :)

Well, the shower went well, I saw a lot of friends and we had a good time. I"m a little weird about showers, I'm not so good at being the center of attention when there is a great big group of people! BUT, I was delighted by how many people came to shower and it was so nice to see everyone. My sisters really threw a nice little bash! I'll post pix when I get to it, I've been a little too busy since we've been home and this weekend was full of productivity.

Even though last week was only 4 days for me, I was completely off kilter, unfocused, and down right out of whack. It's getting hard to stay focused on my job. B and I are both a little out of sorts, feeling like there is so much to do, so many things we need to get (yes, I know you don't really need much to have a baby). I guess we are both having that "MUST NEST" problem right now. This weekend helped. Anyway, all this mental distraction makes my days very long and hard since my mind is in 15 different places and I have to work hard to get my job done AND write instructions for the contractor who will hopefully start mid October.

This weekend we did a whole bunch of great stuff. B finally hung our stray cabinet in the laundry closet, this took FOREVER. He's never hung a cabinet before and the measurements were a pain since he was trying to avoid all the electrical conduits. So that was most of Saturday for him. I spent Saturday cleaning and sorting items in the baby's room and getting things moved around and baseboards taped so I could paint. Saturday night we went to a wedding reception and came home and CRASHED.

Sunday B cut and hung our new shelf next to the cabinet and attached an awesome hanging bar before he came in to help me paint. That felt like it took DAYS. I really hate painting. I hate prepping walls. I hate taping. I hate pouring paint. I hate dumping it on our carpet (thank god for Bissel). I hate pulling tape down, rolling, brushing, all that. I hate it. BUT, the final result was well worth the wait AND the work. Both of us were exhausted by Sunday afternoon, and it was hot as hell. It was definitely a relief to crank the AC when we finished the room (had to have windows open for ventilation).

We were up this morning for some breakfast and B's all day study day. I went to Babies R Us to get the valances for the windows (can't have a curtain rod with no curtains on it, afterall) and the switchplate that all match the bedding set for the nursery. When I came home I put the valances up, and have decided I would like to have some decorative curtains in there as well...and that the curtain rods need to be raised about 3 inches. Boo. I put the room back together, sorted the remaining STUFF, vacuumed and called it finito...for now. The new color is really awesome and looks great with the accessories so far. I was also running laundry which I later had to finish. We had all this delinquent laundry we had been neglecting to fold for...let's just say forever. So I had to go through, fold and hang all that, fold and hang what was coming out of the dryer, get the upstairs hall cleared for vacuuming, gather up trash from the bathroom and bedroom trashcans...I mean it just went on and on. I also go our dresser sorted out and cleared off so I could put the changing pad etc. on top (where it will stay until B's parent's leave in January). I then got the hall vacuumed at long last, crabbed about how we don't have anywhere convenient to store our vacuum, and now here I sit. I'm waiting on the last load of laundry to get out of the dryer while I take this little break. I still need to clean up our hall desk, we've been piling crap on it again, B needs this space to study. I also still haven't sent my thank you cards as several still need addresses, so I'll do that before I go to bed too. But right now, I'm starving, so I"m going to go make dinner (and probably clean the kitchen...AGAIN) before I do my thank you cards.

Only about 60 days until my last day at the office! =-o

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