Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Belly Cast & Other Crafts

I just wanted to share the belly cast with everyone! B did a great job on the plaster (and made NO lewd remarks while we did this), I'm really impressed with his handy work on this!

First up is the "pre-decorated" shot:

And while I like the clean look of it, here's the shot of it after I put all the fabric leaves on it and the metal leaf. The parts that look a little "dingy" are where the spray adhesive is a little too thick, this will clear up and look shiny and bright once I do the finish coat. So here it is with decorating mostly complete, but the finish coat has not been applied:

Check back in a couple of days and I should have the completed project added to this post. I need to let the leaves finish setting up before applying the finish coat, and lord knows how long that will take me!

Over all, this was a crafty weekend. I finished up the letters, and put the finish coat on them, now they are hanging over Aiden's crib:

And here's a close up of the letters:

We also finished our three panel puzzle for B's room and I sealed that with Mod Podge over the weekend. Next step is to mount it or frame it and hang it on the wall. The Mod Podge is GREAT for puzzle saving, holds all the pieces together and gives it a nice finish! I'll post pictures of that when we get around to finishing it. :)

For the record, I still managed to do some laundry this weekend. And we went to Cosco (never again will I do that on a Sunday...), got all our purchases arranged, B cleaned his bathroom, and I cleaned up our mess from the belly cast. Not our most productive weekend, but it was relaxing and enjoyable, and the house is still clean. It snowed today, which bites...I like snow later in the year, it's fun, but at this time of year it's psychologically damaging for me.

Signing off,
Craft Master Funk


Lady said...

Cute! I love the autumn leaves. Are you going to display the belly cast in Aiden's room?

Anonymous said...

Love the fall leaves! That is too perfect!