Friday, December 5, 2008

Friday Five

Ok, missed some Fridays...

1. By far on the top of my list right now: I'm SOOO thankful that breastfeeding has come to Aiden and Me so naturally!
2. I'm grateful for my husband who is so open to learning about his son.
3. I'm endlessly thankful for the amazing women I am surrounded by in person and on the web. It's wonderful to have their support, wisdom, and friendship. They make me feel like a warrior mamma!
4. I'm grateful for my amazing birth, and that I found the strength within myself to give my son the very best start to his life that I knew how. Within that, I'm so lucky to have had such an AWESOME freakin' doula!
5. I'm amazed AND thankful that my son is healthy and strong. he's growing like a weed and I just can't keep up. :-D

1 comment:

Juli said...

He is so adorable!!!