Friday, November 14, 2008

Hm...Friday Five

Amy Does a Friday Five And since I need to give myself a little pep talk AND I like the idea of always reminding ourselves what we are grateful for in this life, I think I'll do it too.

1. I'm thankful I've had a worry free, event free pregnancy.
2. I'm thankful my sisters and mom are coming to see me and baby for Thanksgiving.
3. I'm thankful that I have the drive and energy to keep my house clean...FINALLY
4. I'm thankful for the freedom I have to choose to be a stay at home mom.
5. I'm thankful for my husband, endlessly, even when he makes me angry. He's a good man.

1 comment:

Lady said...

Friday Five is a great idea. Gives a girl something to think about at least, and it gives ME something to blog about, at most. LOL
I feel grumpy though, so I'll have to wait a bit.

p.s. I hope your mom and sisters will be preparing the Thanksgiving meal. you don't need that chore in the middle of your postpartum-ness.