Sunday, July 13, 2008

Another Phone Call

This morning Baris called for his weekly check in. These phone cards are only 30 minutes, so we don't get to talk as long as I would like, but every little bit is good. He's doing pretty well, although he had some food poisoning yesterday, his belly isn't used to the bacteria anymore so this is the second time, and now he has a cold. Otherwise he's trying not to get burnt to a crisp and is just taking everything in stride. This weekend he got to take leave and see his mom, which he enjoys even though he's sick.

In other news: Many of you know I lost a lot of weight in my early pregnancy (18 pounds) but in the last month or so I haven't gained or lost. So I just sort of figured that it had finally evened out between baby growth and my loss. Turns out I was wrong. I've dropped another 2.5 pounds! So now my grand total is 20.5! Which is totally awesome. If I can just stay active and eating well through the end of the pregnancy, I'll probably weigh in about 40 pounds less after the baby is born than I did before I got pregnant. I know you're jealous. If all my pregnancies are this easy and pleasant, I'm telling we might end up with 10 kids. Just call me Duggar Light!!! Then comes breastfeeding. Some diet! Hahaha. For those of you wishing to panic, thinking baby is not getting enough food or I'm trying to diet. All is well. I'm not actually trying to lose weight, it's just happening. I'm not sick or hungry all the time and the baby is right on track for growth and development. I was just so fat to begin with that my super hyped up pregnancy metabolism is burning everything off!

I'm waiting to hear from the new midwife office I'm hoping to transfer to about whether they will accept my transfer from HealthEast. I'm pretty hopeful. With my picture perfect pregnancy, there's no reason for them not to accept me! I'm so happy to know that they don't have any weight restrictions on waterbirth, so once I transfer, that option will again be available to me! YAY! This is the best news I've received in a while!

Also, there was no damage to our home or belongings when this last batch of tornadic storms passed through here. But it was one seriously freaky storm. The time of day made the clouds some seriously ugly colors right as the storm started. The leading edge of the storm had some seriously powerful straight line winds, and down the street some retail signs got blown off their bases, but our little house is fine! Really awesome lightning crawled across the sky after the bulk of the storm passed, it was righteous to watch. I got a few pictures of what the sky looked like after the thunderheads moved through, they clouds looked awesome. Minnesota has some really interesting weather. My family loves to watch thunderstorms, I know my mom would get a real kick out of these storms. They're so wild!

On that note, I think I'm done rambling. I'm up early, so I'm going to have a nice breakfast, start some laundry,and go for a morning walk. Stop in and visit Baby Elaina's blog if you have a chance (link is on the top of my blog list to the right). Recently she's made a miraculous rally and is doing much much better, though still not out of the woods and still in critical condition, she's showing encouraging improvement. It just makes my heart sing to finally see some good news on the blog. More prayers and love to her if you have them to spare.

Your early morning reporter,

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