Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th!

Hi all! It's the 4th of July and I'm comfortably sitting in my bed listening to the fireworks over at the National Sports Center (they do a good show but I'm really pooped). Last night I camped up on the St. Croix river with a friend and her kids. In Minnesota, camping in July is not a guarantee for a warm night and we were FREEZING all night. Woke up and actually started a fire this morning because we were just chilled to the bone. Needless to say we didn't get much sleep and I'm really stiff today. Spending the day with someone else's hyperactive 7-year-old didn't do much for me either and I'm feeling like I just need some silence. Bless his heart, he had a great time hiking today, but I'm telling you, my patience is much shorter over the last couple months. I'm easily irritated and he's really hyper.

I talked to B for a few short minutes on the phone this morning. He sounds good and I'm glad he was able to call. I'm hoping that since he has the weekend off from training that I will hear from him tomorrow. I'm missing him hardcore now. Before today's call I hadn't heard from him in 5 long days. When he's away it's nice to just hear his voice. The cat and I are trying to keep eachother's spirits up, but the house feels so wierd with just the two of us!

It was super nice to get away and camp for a night, even if it is a hassle to do all that set up only to break it down the next day. We enjoyed the campfire and some hot dogs last night. We had the wierdest breakfast ever this morning. Just sort of picked at all kinds of wierd food. It was great though. Our site was near the river so we could just walk down and skip rocks. Very relaxing once the kids went off to sleep in the little tent, we just sat at the fire staring at the coals all night. Today we went climbing on the rocks (hiking on the trails is for losers!...and pregnant chicks I might add) and it was a challenge since I hadn't been out there doing that kind of hiking since before my knee surgery. Between my untested knees, my slightly off balance belly, and my slightly unstable joints I was taking it pretty slow. I drank too much gatorade yesterday...I just got a craving. I'm retaining water now like a walrus! I need a diuretic, my toes hurt.

Well, I'm off to finish this book I've been reading and then off to sleep. I have my busy list to keep me occupied this weekend in addition to housework, and now at some point I will also have to unload and vacuum the van free of dust and dirt again.

Happy 4th, hope you all had a safe one!

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