Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Update From the Womb

So I don't know if I just never settle down enough to have noticed this sooner or if it really was this sudden. But now I can feel baby kicking with my hand, and he kicks HARD! It just shocked the hell out of me this morning! But it's so neat. I was so excited! I told Baris before he left that he would probably be able to feel the baby moving when he comes back from Turkey. Thank goodness I won't be a liar!

Oh, and here's the 23 week belly shot! (My belly makes my butt look small...teeeheeeheeeeee!)


Stacia said...

That belly is adorable!
Or should I say you look adorable in that belly.

Lady said...

You are so cute. I'm so happy for you! Not at ALL jealous.

Well, maybe 70% happy, 30% jealous. :P

Lady said...

p.s. you said "HE" - you have a HE? how did I miss this nugget of joy? :D

p.p.s. the word verification on my comment is "pwymp." I don't know why, but it makes me laugh.