Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Lessons From Wise Family & Friends

1. Guilt comes from within, not without.
2. "Between stimulus and response there is space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom"
3. "A rock is a rock. Water is water. Your mother is your mother."
4. Our past is our past. We must grow and be strong enough to admit what we have experienced, recognize it's impact on our day to day lives, then correct that impact so what has happened in our past cannot continue to affect our lives. It is a lesson to be learned, with growth to be made, so that we can live stronger, happier, healthier lives.
5. It's really all about perspective, choose to see the positive, remember the positive, and throw the negative away. No sense in subjecting yourself to hurt when you don't need to.
6. Cats will be cats. Trying to control them is an exercise in futility. No matter how "good" your cat is, he's still a damn cat. You brought him home, now you're his people.
7. Anger comes from within, and also exists in that space where lies our freedom to choose our response.

Indeed Grasshoper,

PS: I feel immense pressure knowing that an English teacher reads my blogs...exactly what IS the proper use of "it's" and "its?"

1 comment:

Lady said...

"It's" = "it is"
"Its" = "belonging to it"

the end. :)
I'll stop bombarding your blog for today, then, shall I?