Thursday, July 10, 2008

I'm a Jerk

So...after all that ranting...the damn phone was in my purse. Seems the sim card must have failed causing it to not ring and to act funny. So yeah, I really feel like a jerk.

But let me recap my rollercoaster couple of days.

Marion died....down
Phone goes missing...down
Read about Baby Elaina's recent rally for survival...SOOO up
Crying in car this morning about losing my AWESOME phone, booger snot toddler crying....down
Find good news about another MW practice, they are covered under my insurance....UP
Get bad news from current MW practice....WAAAAAAAY down
Cry at my desk like a lunatic, embarassing....down
Get call from new MW practice that they allow waterbirth for my circumstances....waaaaay up
Phone found....feel like jerk...but up.
Got to see my chiro today...waaaay up (hey, some people smoke, some go to the bar, some get massages, some do yoga...when I'm strung out, I see a chiropractor).

I think I just need to stay home and make myself a nice dinner. I'm a little exhausted emotionally. Someone should buy me flowers.


Anonymous said...

Aww, sounds like you have had a tough couple of days! Big hugs to you, take a bath, buy yourself flowers and hopefully tomorrow will be better!

Stacia said...

You are due for some more up days!
BTW, how honkin big is your purse that you were unable to find your phone in it?!

Megz said... purse is so not big...that's why it didn't make any sense. It's little. It was in the outside pocket, and it's a skinny little phone, so it didn't stick out, I didn't notice it. and the card seems to have failed in it, it wouldn't ring! so rediculous.